<aside> 💡 Can’t find what your looking for? Check these FAQs or reach out on twitter for further questions.
Can I use MicroCosmBot with an announcement channel?
No, due to telegram limitations, microcosm bot cannot be used with channels (public and private). Instead you can create a private group chat and disable messages.
Can I use Dao Dao staked NFTs to token gate my chat?
Yes! MicroCosmBot supports Dao Dao staked NFTs. See the create document to learn how to configure staked access rules.
Will my staked balance count towards accessing a native token gated group?
Yes! When accessing a private group gated by a Native token access rule, your wallet balance plus your staked balance both count. For example if I needed 100 stars to access a private chat, and I had 80 stars staked and 30 in my wallet, then the total is 110 which is enough to access the group.
How frequently are access rules enforced?
Access rules are enforced when joining a group as well as every two hours. Every member in a group (besides admins and manual invited members) must pass the access rules or else they will be kicked from the group automatically.
As an Admin, can I bypass the access rules?
Yes, an Admin can add members or even new Admins to the private chat directly through telegram. Members added this way bypass access rules and will never be kicked by MicroCosmBot.
I’m representing a new Cosmos chain. Can you support my chain?
Yes! DM me on twitter.