Follow these simple steps to create your gated chat. Setup usually takes about 5 minutes.

  1. Open Telegram and create a private group chat.

    Screenshot 2024-02-10 at 2.01.08 PM.png

  2. Open “Manage group” and change “Chat history for new members” to Visible.

    Open group settings and select Manage group

    Open group settings and select Manage group

Change the chat history setting to visible and save.

Change the chat history setting to visible and save.

  1. In settings, open permissions and disable the “Add members” permission.

  2. Invite microcosmbotdotxyz_bot to your group by following the invite link and selecting your chat in the prompt.

    Screenshot 2024-02-10 at 2.02.39 PM.png

  3. Add the bot with the default Admin permissions. The bot requires at least “Ban users” and “Invite users via link” permissions.

    Adding an admin with default permissions is sufficient.

    Adding an admin with default permissions is sufficient.

  4. Now setup your token gate rules by opening DM to the bot

  5. Type in /settings A list of active chat groups will appear. Click on your chat group, and open link to configure your group.

    Don’t share this link with anyone.

    Don’t share this link with anyone.

  6. Choose the chain your group is associated with. A group can be associated with only one chain. To request support for your chain, DM me on twitter @microcosmbot.

    Select a chain with the chain dropdown. The current chain has a green check.

    Select a chain with the chain dropdown. The current chain has a green check.

  7. Add an access rule to your group. You can create a Hodl, Staked, or Native Token rule. Hodlr Rules are for SG721 token gating. Staked rules are for Dao Dao staked NFT token gating. Native token rules are for gating based on native denomination and osmosis token factory balance.

    Click on Add access rule near the bottom of the page

    Click on Add access rule near the bottom of the page

    Select the access rule type. Multiple rules can be combined to customize your gating.

    Select the access rule type. Multiple rules can be combined to customize your gating.

    1. To create a Hodl rule, click Hodl. Enter your NFT SG721 contract address and the number of tokens required to enter the group. Save.

      Screenshot 2024-02-10 at 2.07.30 PM.png

    2. To create a Dao Dao rule, click Staked. Enter your Dao Dao contract address. Your dao must be configured for NFT voting. If so, you will see the name of your NFT voting collection appear next to a green check.

      Enter your Dao Dao contract address. It must use a stargaze NFT collection in the voting module.

      Enter your Dao Dao contract address. It must use a stargaze NFT collection in the voting module.

    3. To create a Native Token rule, click Native Token. Enter your native token denom name and minimum balance and optional maximum balance. Example ustars with minimum of 25000 stars could be used to create a telegram chat for users with at least 25000 ustars. Native Tokens rules include staked amount in the balance. Note: only a limited number of

      Token Factory Denomination Name must be the fully qualified name.

      Token Factory Denomination Name must be the fully qualified name.

  8. Add more access rules if desired. If adding more than one rule, decide if you want to support “Match any”. When Match any is unchecked (default) users must pass all rules in order to gain access to your chat. When Match any is selected, chat users only need to pass at least one rule to gain access to your telegram chat. An example for using Match Any— you have a Dao Dao for your NFT collection, and you want to invite members who stake their NFT OR members who just hold the NFT without staking. You can add two access rules and select Match Any to invite both groups of members.

    Screenshot 2024-03-05 at 8.05.11 AM.png

  9. You’re all done setting up your chat. Get your group chat invite link by sending /invite in chat in your new group chat to @microcosmbot. Share this link to any potential members. To join a group, a user must following the link and verify their wallet. If they pass your access rules, they will get a personal invite link to join your group.

    Screenshot 2024-02-10 at 2.10.14 PM.png